Kamis, 29 Maret 2012

Lake Malawen

Lake Malawen

Lake Malawen is a beautifully magnificent lake that is located in the district of North Barito, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. Amongst the local inhabitants, an orchid park in the lakeside was a river wherein numerous fishes lived within in the past. Once there was a terribly natural  phenomenon that changed the river to a lake, which is now known as Lake Malwaen.

So, what kind of phenomenon that made such a significant change? Just read thoroughly the story about the origin of Lake Malawen below.

As the story goes by, there were a couple living in a forest in Central Kalimantan. Though they lived in destitute, they loved each other. It's been about ten years they lived together, but they have not bestowed any kid at all. They were eager to have a kid, thus they would do everything until they were bestowed kid by God. Everyday they used to kneel in prayer so that God would be please to give them a child.

In a relenting night they were practicing a prayer. They sent up a prayer to God and went to sleep after that. Then, the wife dreamed about an old man coming to her.

"If you wanna have a kid, you have to accomplish asceticism for several months in the forest," the old man said.

When she would ask him a question, all of sudden the old man was gone. She woke up from her sleep, and told her husband about her dream.

"Honey, last night I dreamed about an old man who came to me. He suggested us to live in an ascetic life for several months in the forest. From that he was sure God would bestow us with a kid. What do you think, honey?" the wife told her husband.

"I don't know. But is doesn't matter to try," the husband replied.

"So, what to do now, honey? Should we go accomplishing the asceticism now?"

"Yeah, let's prepare all the things we need during asceticism,"

In the following day, they were ready to start asceticism. They went to the fr-flung of the forest, miles away from their home. For a half day they walked through the thick forest. Soon after finding the right place to do it, they started erecting  a hut for asceticism.

The day went dark and they began to accomplish the asceticism afterwards. They sat with the legs crossed, while closing their eyes and focusing their mind only on God.

For about several weeks they lived in a ascetic life, but none of divine guidance they got. Though they abstained from foods and drinks, they just kept accomplishing that asceticism so that God would be please to give them a child. On the day nine and ten, they were not given divine guidance yet. Indeed, God was examining them at the time.

On the day 100, they suffered from horrible thirsty and starvation. They were so sleepy and tired. At that time, the old man came to them.

Continued :D

6 komentar:

  1. Dear pretty girl..

    First of all aunty would like to thank you for following my blog.

    By the way, I am a bit confused to know your exact location. Are you from Kalimantan or Jakarta?

    My late grandma was from Banjarmasin . I am Malaysian but pure Banjar by race. Tell me more about you ya.. Thanks

  2. I from Kalimantan, Palangka Raya city.
    I am a frequent visitor to Banjarmasin :)

  3. Oh.. It is very nice to know you..

    Do you speak Banjar. My family is Banjar barabai.

    May I know how do you know about my blog? :)

  4. I can speak Banjar and I open blog for fun, and I found your blog.
    I'm ever to Barabai about 3 years ago.


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