Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Vocabulary Around The House

Function of rooms

People store things in the attic.
A room in stately homes where rich people dance and concerts are held.
Box Room
A small room used for storage.
Underneath the house.
A small room where people put their coats.
A greenhouse attached to a house for the display of plants.
Dining Room
A room where people eat.
Drawing Room
A room in stately homes where rich people entertain.
Games Room
A room in large houses where games are played.
The entrance passage to a house.
A small room used for the storage of food.
A room where books are kept.
Another name for living room.
Music Room
A room where people play music.
A room where people work.
A small room used to store kitchen and dining items.
Old fashioned word for living room.
Sitting Room
Another name for living room.
Spare Room/
Guest Room
A room where guests sleep.
A room where people go to the toilet (often known as WC)
Utility Room
A room where appliances such as washing machines are used.

  1. garage : garasi
  2. aerial : antena
  3. chimney : cerobong asap
  4. garden : taman
  5. kitchen : dapur
  6. living-room : ruang keluarga
  7. bathroom : kamar mandi
  8. bedroom : kamar tidur
  9. dining-room : ruang makan
  10. oven : oven
  11. fork : garpu
  12. knife : pisau
  13. lamp : lampu
  14. bookcase : tempat buku
  15. cooker : kompor
  16. spoon : sendok
  17. sofa : sofa
  18. refrigerator : kulkas
  19. pillow : bantal
  20. stairs : tangga
  21. soap : sabun
  22. sink : tempat cuci piring
  23. glass : gelas
  24. cup : cangkir
  25. wall : dinding
  26. table : meja
  27. chair : kursi

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