Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Introductory It

What's different Personal Pronoun with Introductory It ?

Campare the two sentences below.
1. while in Bali, Ido had a nice experience.
Now he is telling his friends about it.
2. it interesting to talk about a tourist object we have visited.

It in the first sentence refers to something (the nice experience).
We call it Personal Pronoun.
It in the second sentence refers to nothing. We usually use it to introduce the subject or object. We call it Introductory It.

a. Introductory "it" as a subject.
It is nice to be with you.
It was Mr.Aziz who came on Tuesday (emphasis on Mr.Aziz).
b. Introductory "it" as an object
We think it possible that they may arrive.
Fariz fells it very delicious.

The place for "it"
1. in subject position
it + to be + adjective : it would be nice seeing him again.
it + to be + noun : it is a difficult thing doing everything by yourself.
it + linking verb + adjective : it became useless to go on
it + verb + that clause : it seems that she was sick
2. in object position
subject + verb + it + adjective : I think it wrong to cheat in the examination

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